Snippets - A Writing Blog

free writing / short stories / diary entries / drafts / rough works / ideas

Carly Waller Carly Waller

swimming [archive]

 Thinking about when I was a kid – diving into the deep end of a pool and swimming to reach the bottom. Swimming until pressure made the bridge of my nose pinch and I knew I was running out of air, but the bottom of the pool was just in my reach.

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Carly Waller Carly Waller

11:47pm feelings [archive]

I wish I knew what feelings felt like, so that I could learn to feel them better. It’s hard to understand a concept you thought you knew this whole time, but it turns out you never knew at all.

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Carly Waller Carly Waller

spider apathy

There’s a spider somewhere in my car. I can’t bring myself to do anything about it – kill it, move it, care about it. I was driving and it crawled out from the sun visor and over my head, settling above the backseats. Not large, not too small. Black. Quick.

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